The Alchemist SMS

4.1 ( 4911 ratings )
Narzędzia Produktywność
Desenvolvedor: Ferrous Solutions, Inc.
449.99 USD

The Alchemist SMS (Scrap Management System) provides users in the steelmaking and scrap metal recycling industry with the tools necessary to achieve reductions in raw material costs.  The program will design a Charge mix that is selected from the users available inventory of metal scrap to meet the users desired molten metal chemistries.  The use of linear programming techniques insure that the optimization model produces true least cost material selection subject to user defined constraints.

The program will also take into account user specifications for charge buckets, designing a charge bucket loading scheme. Finally, the program will produce an easy to use report that can be emailed out and printed for easy implementation.

-produces report in easy-to-use pdf format.
-takes into account heel weight and chemistry.
-over 20 material classes, that can be used in setting maximum and minimum constraints on material classes.
-over 90 predefined steel alloy specifications.
-over 60 predefined metal scrap and alloy addition specifications.
-in program editor for changing metal scrap and steel alloy specifications.
-support for importing and exporting steel catalog and material specification files for easy editing outside the program.

Note: Full operating manual available at developer website.